
  • woman listening to money affirmations on headphones

    5 Ways To Manifest Money Fast By Slowing Down

    Are you aware of how valuable time really is? There really is not such thing as the past or future. Our only point of reference for time currently is the present moment, and we can use this to our advantage by focusing on it instead of letting it pass us by in life without us […]


  • white quartz and amethyst crystals for meditating

    3 Best Crystals For Meditation

    Meditating takes time and practice to master. The main goal of meditation is often to clear your mind. However, those who experience anxiety and depression, usually find it difficult to clear their minds. Running thoughts interrupt their ability to meditate. Using crystals in meditation practice helps in channeling these thoughts into the crystal. By releasing […]


  • redheaded woman meditating in yoga pants

    Get Started Meditating In Just Ten Minutes a Day

    With anything new you take on, producing content for a new social media network to riding a bike, there is always a learning curve. Meditation is something that doesn’t take a lot of practice, but it does require taking it on every day until it becomes a new habit. You will get to a point […]


  • white woman in jeans meditating

    10 Reasons Why People Love Meditation

    Why do so many people love meditation and make it part of their daily routine? The answer is because it works. Meditation is successful for many reasons. Meditation Decreases Anxiety Some people have what is known as too much fight or flight syndrome. Their gut instincts tell them they are in danger when they are […]